Jun 20, 2014

Stressed Out? There’s An App, And A Gadget For That


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Healthcare technology continues to personalize, evolving by the second, and we couldn’t be more thrilled. The latest gadget on the market aims to target your stress levels, with a new wearable device to track just how frazzled you are – taking it a step further with solutions to solve your emotional dilemmas.

Spire is “the first tracker for activity, breath, and state of mind”, an algorithm of sorts for stress. Once the device deduces a level, it provides suggestions to lower these stress symptoms, many connecting back to the way you breathe.

Based on decades of research, Spire operates on the  link between body, breath and mind. Put simply, breath both reflects and influences your state of mind. Our breath connects to the brain through the longest cranial nerve to activate and influence both brain and bodily function.

Spire clips onto your clothes, tracking movement and corresponding breaths, with real-time data to the cloud (using Bluetooth Low Energy), enabling richer and more responsive feedback. Just as you receive notifications on how many “Likes” your Instagram gets, Spire sends you equally friendly notifications – so you can chill the heck out.

The wearable clip-on will cost $149.99, with discounts available to early buyers.

The device is currently supported on iPhone, with an Android version in the works, so smartphone users of all walks can breathe easy.

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